Parting ThoughtsWe returned to Durban for the remainder of the trip. The Golden Mile was a gorgeous stretch of beach and the water was warm. If I had another free day in Durban, I definitely would have tried surfing. The waves were perfect height and the water was warm. ----------------------
Durban I put my camera away for the last few days as I enjoyed the conference I was attending. I did snap a few quick photos with iPhone, however. We had a great African Night event at Moyo restaurant at uShaka on the Thursday night where I was treated to true South African hospitality at my table. Brendan and Marius did their best to ensure I woke up with a headache. ---------------------- Posting a few more pictures now that the wifi is working. I'll have some great ones going up on my website when I get home, but I'm poaching a signal outside the conference centre at the moment. In a country where free wifi is unheard of (even at hotels), I might be thrown in the clink if I start uploading 50 MB .TIFFs! Anyways, I get a kick out of the different vehicle models here. This is a Toyota Fortuner. #nicecurves
---------------------- They make 'em big here too #supersizeme
---------------------- The International Conference Centre in Durban. I guess my holiday had to end. After all, this is a business trip #revenuecanada
Had a great event last night hosted by the city of Durban at uShaka Marine World. They turned the aquarium into a club! Hung out with fellow Canadians Jairus and Jessica #eh
Getting my last bit of sunshine before starting the long journey home #draggingfeet
So I'm returning from a walk on the beach, and in front of the hotel parade a bunch of young women clearly attending a burlesque-themed bachelorette party. Yet more entertaining was the look on all the old people's faces in the coffee shop as a beautiful woman walked by in a flurry of feathers, leathers, and fishnet carrying a blow-up doll #impeccabletiming #littlebluepill
---------------------- Waiting for our connection in Dubai while the sun rises. Didn't get much sleep overnight from Durban, so hopefully I'm sufficiently exhausted to dream away some of those 14 hours. #sandman
---------------------- The waiting is the hardest part #tompetty
---------------------- Defeated an 8 hour layover in Seattle by catching an earlier flight #champion Home sweet home. Haven't seen the new baggage carousels yet. They could have been tacky but aren't, surprisingly. #oilers #losingrecord
And after a great trip, I was so happy to be home with my family. Thanks to my wife for being so supportive and parents for sharing this fun experience with me. In retrospect, I wouldn't have done much differently. Perhaps I would have rented a car in Durban and driven to Drakensberg by myself rather than paying for a tour guide to take me there, as it would have saved a bit of money. But all our guides throughout the trip were fantastic and the weather and wildlife were cooperative. The only thing that didn't work out as planned was the hot air balloon ride in Dubai, so I consider us very lucky. I had one day off before returning to work. My bags arrived 3 days later. ---------------------- Edit: I compiled all the photos and video clips into three videos, set to music, that are giving me serious nostalgia. You can see them HERE. Comments
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